6 research outputs found

    Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth

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    This report was designed to highlight the underlying challenges facing Opportunity Youth (i.e., youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market) and offers a framework to help communities come together to address these challenges

    A Market for Success: How a Robust Service Provider Market Can Help Community Colleges Improve Student Completion

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    Outlines how external service providers can help community colleges enhance institutional redesign, use of data, student services and supports, and faculty development in order to remove barriers to completion, increase efficiency, and improve outcomes

    Keeping the Promise of Opportunity: Redesigning Financial Aid to Support Post-Secondary Completion Among Low-Income Young Adults

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    This report explores the challenges low-income young adults face in accessing and using financial aid and the related trends contributing to inequality in post-secondary education today, as well as potential approaches funders can undertake to redesign financial aid to help students overcome these barriers

    The New Role of Business in Global Education: How Companies Can Create Shared Value by Improving Education While Driving Shareholder Returns

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    This paper articulates the case for a renewed role for business in global education through the lens of shared value. It is intended to help business leaders and their partners seize opportunities to create economic value while addressing unmet needs in education at scale. The concepts we describe apply across industries and to developed and emerging economies alike, although their implementation will naturally differ based on contex

    School Turnaround Field Guide

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    Outlines approaches to turning around low-performing schools, lessons from early efforts, gaps to be filled, and critical actions to implement effective practices, create supportive policies and conditions, and build capacity and sustainability at scale

    The new role of business in global Education / El nuevo rol de los negocios en la educaci贸n global

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    Este documento articula el caso de un rol renovado para los negocios en la educaci贸n global a trav茅s de la lente del valor compartido. Su objetivo es ayudar a los l铆deres empresariales y sus socios a aprovechar las oportunidades para crear valor econ贸mico al tiempo que abordan las necesidades no satisfechas en la educaci贸n a escala. Los conceptos que describimos se aplican a todas las industrias y a las econom铆as desarrolladas y emergentes por igual, aunque su implementaci贸n naturalmente diferir谩 seg煤n el contexto